This is "Help" for changing Midi files for use with Macintosh sequencers.
First of all if you own a mac sequencer, you've probably noticed that there is a shortage of Mac midi sequences, if any at all, available on your local
BBS. And if you've happened to look you might have noticed that there are
an overwelming number of IBM midi files on they're boards. Well lust no more 'cause now there's help.
I've tried in vain to dig thru the helps available and just got more
confused. I've De-arc-ed a few files and got nowhere after that. So
here's plain and simple what you have to do:
(compiled from alot of bbs discussions on several boards)
(#1) First: Before you download.
Tell your communications program "not" to strip the linefeeds when
(#2) Second: Get a good De-arc-ing program (from your BBS)
Examples of good programs to use are "MacArc and ArcMac 1.3e".
Read and follow the instructions carfully.
(#3) Third: Get a good resource editor program (from BBS or an AppleDealer).
Examples of awfully good programs to use are "RedEdit, Fedit Plus, and
MacSnoop". Also read instructions "extra carefully".
(#4) Fourth: Download the sequences files you want.
Files should be in "Filename.ARC" format.
(#5) Fifth: Dearc the files using one of the De-arc-ers above.
Files should now be in "Filename.MID" format.
(#6) Sixth: Use a resource editor (ResEdit 2.1 example shown above at top
of document) and change the "Filetype" from "TEXT" to "Midi" (pay
attention to caps).
(#7) Seventh: Next while still using your resource editor change the
"Filecreator" from "MACA" to "MIDI" (again pay close attention to
caps). For my own midi files I use "TRX!" because I like the ICON
my sequencing software (MTP or TRAX from PASSPORT) uses for
midi files. You should use "MIDI", especially if you share these
with other macintosh users, but feel free to call up a midi file
using your resource editor (you may have to create one first using
a "save as" or "export as" preference from your sequencer) and
use whatever it uses.
Now you should have a document your sequencer can use and hopefully be
ready to stop lusting and start enjoying alot more sequences.